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golden nuggets: good mourning

A 40 Day Collaborative Movement Medley

A collection of humans in the heart-work of exploratory movement share their favourite somatic practices, embodied wisdom, resonant cues, personal practices, lessons learned, and bad jokes. Every day for 40 days there will be a different practice lead by a different facilitator sharing whatever it is that lights them up. Offerings include but not limited to: yoga, pilates, dance, kundalini, daoism, pranayam, meditation, magic, HIIT, sound healing, illustration, kirtan, writing, and ceremony.

This iteration of Golden Nuggets will be supported by the season. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the fall season is linked to the very human emotion of grief which manifests in the lungs. As we move towards a new-normal and navigate the re-opening of life it’s important to breathe consciously and make space for the personal and universal grief we are all experiencing: the loss of loved ones, community members, small business, old self; the loss of integrity from elected officials and big business; the loss of old ways of being, future dreams, how things were; the loss of a healthy climate.

This is all grief work and we’ll be supported along the way by talented death doulas and Indigenous medicine workers offering insights for good mourning so we can share many a good morning in the circle-grid. A reminder we don’t have to go it alone.

The ~golden thread~ that will weave through our 40 day experience is the daily practice of one 11 minute pranayam to cultivate our ability to harness the magic of our breath. Our meditation will be introduced on Day 1 and practiced collectively most days, or as a post class self-study with a video as guide. The experiment is the practice of revisiting the same sadhana every day after exploring a different modality of movement to pay attention to the shifts available when we embrace newness and trust that which is unknown.

Autumnal Equinox to Samhain

Monday - Friday @ 7-7:45am EST

Weekends @ 9-9:45am EST

Add 15 minutes to class time for group meditation or self-study. Classes will be recorded and the link will be live for replay for 3 days.

Please note that the welcome email with zoom login details and access to our portal will be sent out Monday, September 20.

This offering is priced in a tiered sliding-scale way. Please pay whatever day rate feels most accessible for you at this time: $5, $4, or $3. If you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Colour or have experienced financial strains due to Covid-19 please use code HUMEEHUM for a 22% discount on any rate acknowledging inequalities in pay, capitalist privilege, and financial stability as a determinant of access.

$5 / DAY
$4 / DAY
$3 / DAY

We’re interested in taking care to take care. In the spirit of collaboration, we’re extending community care through spotlighting a different community initiative that works specifically with grief support every 10 days. We'll redistribute 11% of total revenue 4 ways.

Note that some of the offerings will be specific to those that identify a BIPOC, queer, trans, non-binary.

September 20

full harvest moon morning call

October 4

monday monday